Training Classes Offered
Forklift Operator Training:
Learn about classifications and characteristics of different types of forklifts, fundamentals of safe operation, fuel handling tips and battery hazards. Upon completion of the course, a written test will be given and each student will receive a Certificate of Completion. OSHA guidelines require certificates to be renewed every three (3) years.
FEE: $120.00
Hours: 8:00AM-12:00PM
Scissor/Boom Lift Training
Learn about the characteristics and functions of different types of elevating work and aerial platforms, fundamentals of safe operation and fall protection. Upon completion of the course, a written test will be given and each student will receive a Certificate of Completion. OSHA guidelines require certificates to be renewed every three (3) years.
FEE: $120.00
HOURS: 8:00AM-12:00PM
Skills Testing:
Test your Forklifts Skills and/or Scissor/Boom Lift Skills and receive a Skills Certificate of Completion. Arrangements for skills testing must be scheduled directly with our trainer.
*Completion of the Forklift Operator Training and/or Scissor/Boom Lift Operator Training must be completed prior to registering for Skills Testing.*
FEE: TBD by Trainer
Experienced Driving:
Experienced Driving is for beginners to learn the basics of driving a forklift. Arrangements for Experienced Driving must be scheduled directly with our Trainer. Upon completion of the training, each student will receive a Certificate Letter of Completion.
FEE: $150.00
Forklift Train The Trainer:
Learn the required training materials, classifications, characteristics, data plates, safety & operational decals, fuel handling, batteries, and safety and fundamentals of operation to successfully train other individuals in Forklift Operator Training. OSHA Guidelines require certificates to be refreshed every four (4) years.
FEE: $495.00
HOURS: One (1) Day - 8:00AM-4:00PM
Scissor/Boom Lift Train The Trainer:
Learn the required training materials, design, characteristics, operator manuals, and fundamentals of safe operation fall protection to successfully train other individuals in Scissor/Boom Lift Training. OSHA Guidelines require certificates to be refreshed every four (4) years.
FEE: $495.00
HOURS: One (1) Day - 8:00AM-4:00PM
On-Site Training:
On-Site Training for your company and/or specific site is offered for all of the above training programs. Class time must be scheduled directly with our Trainer. Travel and expense costs may be incurred as part of the On-Site Training fee.
FEE: TBD by Trainer